
OpenAsk V3 Landing Page


I was pitched the idea to create OpenAsk by a friend on Twitter who connected me with his startup. They were looking for a frontend developer to help code a platform where users could ask questions to their favorite influencers, founders, and creatives and have them answered in an audio or text format. We would focus on Web 3 and Crypto creatives and integrate crypto payments on the platform. I was excited to work with a full team on my first commercialized product and thought this was an amazing opportunity to level up my skills!

It didn't take much convincing for me to get excited and agree to work on OpenAsk. As a prominent Twitter user with a decent sized following myself, I instantly saw the value that a platform like OpenAsk would bring to me. I get multiple DMs a week from people asking me about my thoughts on the market, how I learned to code, and what new investments I was interested in. But unfortunately, I just don't have enough time to thoughtfully respond to everyone.

OpenAsk takes this burden away by offering a financial incentive for someone like me to answer and connect with the person asking me a question. It acts as a spam filter and deters bots and scammers from contacting me. When someone attempts to connect with me on OpenAsk, it is a signal that they are serious about connecting and are willing to pay for my time.

With Ethereum Denver coming up, we decided this was the perfect oppurtunity to showcase this project at the hackathon.


  • Javascript
  • Solidity
  • HTML
  • CSS


  • React
  • React Redux Toolkit
  • MUI Library
  • Ethers.js
  • Web3Auth
  • Axios
  • Firebase
  • Stripe

Version 1

OpenAsk V1 Feed

V1 of Open Ask was meant to be a barebones, working structure of the website. We wanted to focus on the core functionality and make sure that we could get a working product out the door. We decided to use React as our frontend framework and Firebase as our backend. We also decided to use the MUI library for our UI components. I was tasked with creating the frontend components and integrating them with the backend.

We require users to sign up for an account before they can browse the website. However, as getting a user to sign up is one of the hardest parts of building a product, we decided to streamline the login experience by simpling requiring users to connect their Twitter account instead. This way, we could return their username, handle, profile picture, and other information to automatically create a profile for them.

The Feed tab would be the first page that users would see when navigating to the website. This would be a standard social media feed where you could view popular and recent questions that were asked to a 'Sensei' (Our version of a professional).

The Sensei tab would contain all of our vetted influencers and creators. Sensei's are onboarded onto the platform as experts and are tasked with answering questions that are asked to them.

OpenAsk V1 Sensei

Within the Sensei tab would be a dedicated Sensei Profile page for each sensei. This would contain basic information such as Twitter followers, questions asked and answered, biography, etc.

OpenAsk V1 Sensei Profile

The Questions Asked tab would contain all of the questions that the user has asked as well as the status of the question. The question status could be completed, waiting, and expired. Questions are labeled as expired if they are not answered within 48 hours and the money is transferred back to the users account.

The Questions Answered tab would contain all of the questions that the user has answered, or has yet to answer. For now, we only supported text answers.

Asking and answering questions would be very similar. In each case, you would be provided with an empty text box where you could either submit a question to a particular Sensei or answer a question that was asked to you.

OpenAsk V1 Ask

The Transaction History tab would contain all of the transactions that the user has completed, whether it be asking questions or answering them.

Lastly, we included a wallet connection button to allow users to connect their wallet. This would allow them to withdraw and deposit crypto onto the platform to start claiming bounties and asking questions.

Version 2

OpenAsk V2 Home

Version 1 of OpenAsk was a great start, but we wanted to take it to the next level in terms of creating a better UI/UX and implementing blockchain technology.

We arrived to ETH Denver with Version 1 of OpenAsk and had the whole week to upgrade the software to a presentable format. To start, we hired a designer to design the components and we found a Solidity developer at the hackathon to help us implement the smart contracts.

We had 1 week to finish V2 of OpenAsk. Most of the week was spent upgrading our branding and implementing the crypto deposit and withdrawal functions. We also implemented a new feature called Eavesdrop which would allow users to peek in on questions that were asked to other Sensei's and see their answers.

OpenAsk V2 Eavesdrop

Additionally, we added a Wallet tab to view your wallet balance as well as condensed the Questions and Answers tab to better reflect the status of the questions.

OpenAsk V2 Wallet

My responsibilities including connecting the crypto deposit and withdrawal functions to the custom smart contract we created. The smart contract would store the crypto in a wallet for 2 days until the question was answered by the targeted Sensei. If it was not answered, the use could withdraw the crypto back to their wallet from the smart contract.

Additionally, the eavesdrop contract was completely different. We wanted to create a feature where when someone eavesdropped a question, the payment would be split evenly between the user asking the question and the sensei answering the question. We had to crearte a custom splitter smart contract to accomplish this.

It was my first time working with solidity and implementing smart contracts with Javascript. It was a difficult process but I learned so much about how Solidity interacts with the frontend and all of the nuances that come with it.

OpenAsk V2 Questions

We also added a few other key features to OpenAsk during this time. First, we changed our login method by implementing Web3Auth. Web3Auth allows users to login with any of the popular social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google, as well as through an external crypto wallet such as Metamask. However, it also automatically creates a wallet for the user if they login through social media. We also started experimenting with audio answers for sensei's answering questions.

OpenAsk V2 Audio

I had to work very closely with our designer who helped design the components in Figma. I was responsible for translating those Figma designs as accurately as possible into React components while adding the proper functionality. On one hand, it was nice to have help on the design aspect of the project, but on the other hand, it was difficult to translate the designs into code. It was a great learning experience and I am very proud of my work.

In the end, we narrowly completed the project in time for the Hackathon and were able to present to the judges. We ended up winning $2,000 in prizes and were very proud of our work! If you want to learn more about my experience participating in the ETH Denver hackathon, check out my Twitter post!

Below is the demo video we created for the hackathon:

Version 3

OpenAsk V3 Landing Page

With Version 2 done, we wanted to continue to improve the product and create a production grade website that we could launch to the public as well as to gain investors.

We decided to rebrand the website to a more fun look and feel, opting for new branding, new fonts, and a new logo. We felt the whimsical feel of the website would better reflect the fun and playful nature of the product as well as appeal to the crypto and Web 3 community.

It was important for us to condense the different tabs even further, as we felt the current pages were too overwhelming for the user. We scrapped the transaction history page and prioritized the Discover, Answers, and Profile tabs to display all of our information.

The discover tab would contain the feed and sensei pages. The answers tab would only be viewable for sensei's as it would contain questions that they need to answer and have already answered. The profile tab would contain the users questions asked, questions eavesdropped, as well as their wallet and balance information.

We also decided to migrate away from the smart contracts into our own internal ledger. We felt that the smart contracts were too expensive and complicated to navigate, especially for the beta of OpenAsk. We saw the success Blur had with their internal ledger so we decided to follow suit.

Importantly, we still allow you to deposit USDC or USDT into our company Ethereum wallet. We would then credit your OpenAsk account once that transaction is complete. For USD deposits, we integrated Stripe.

I was also tasked with integrating audio answers to the platform. To prevent answers from getting leaked, we decided to only allow answers to be answered through audio. This way, you could verify the Sensei answered the question and that it could not be easily copied to another platform. I accomplished this using the JS audio recorder library and storing the audio files in the Alibaba Cloud.

Additionally, we brought on 2 more backend developers to revamp our database and API. This would help improve the speed of the website and reduce the amount of data we were sending to the frontend.

I encountered many problems with changing to a new database as most of my code had to be rewritten and refactored. Lots of testing and bugs to deal with. However, it was worth it in the end to make a faster and more efficient website.

A lot of my time was also spent optimizing OpenAsk for tablet and mobile. We expected many users to want to browse OpenAsk on their phone or tablet, so we wanted to make sure the experience was as smooth as possible. This required creating multiple different layouts and finding the best way to display the information.

Another big change we made was creating a separate sensei sign up flow. Previously, once a user signed up they were automatically a sensei as well. However, we wanted to make sure that only the best and most qualified sensei's were allowed to answer questions. We created a separate sensei sign up flow that required the user to input a code we would give them to become a sensei and sign up with Twitter in order to create their profile. They could also set a minimum amount that they would accept when asked a question.

Openask is currently available to the public!